Saturday 26 May 2012



Album art for Ben Cardilli's new EP Sycophantastic. A fun little project. My first foray into colouring. A rush job, but I am happy about how it turned out.

(Shameless Plug):
See it in all it's physical glory, free with a purchase of a $10 ticket for a Ben Cardilli Band performance. Sunday May 27th, 2012 @ Underworld, 9PM. Tickets available from the band members. We'll deliver.
facebook event:

Wednesday 16 May 2012

Use Your Illusion (number 2)

So, I'm not mature.

You know when you draw moustaches on people's faces on posters, or give celebrities makeup with a blue, red and black ball point pen? Or maybe you've heard about Well my brother and I draw naked squatters shitting on cars, open fields, and people's heads. I drew this, framed it  and gave it to my brother for his birthday. He hasn't hung it up on his wall yet.

It's even better when we draw a little prairie dog peeking its head out.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Life Or Something Like it

In the midst of my not-so-happiness, I got the idea for this drawing and slowly hacked away at it. One of my only drawings that look complete. My eraser was used minimally, and I threw caution to the wind for this one, not caring too much about making lines straight or being consistent in the patterns. I also played with background colours, which I don't like in the least bit here, but I threw it on here anyways. I prefer black and white, though some kind of colour scheme would work well with this...

I do realize any words about my drawings are a bit sophomoric. I apologize for that.

Thanks for reading/looking.